NACDS Foundation continues to prioritize forward-thinking, patient-centered projects that address gaps in healthcare access, especially in vulnerable and underserved communities. Exploration of new care delivery models to inform transformation of care for pressing public health issues continue to be at the forefront of the Foundation’s research portfolio.

Infectious Diseases: Testing, Prevention, and Treatment

Enhancing Access to Care for Minor Ailments & Routine Healthcare Services


This project supported better access to several routine healthcare services in community pharmacies, reaching more than 950 patients across 46 pharmacies. Results demonstrate meaningful cost savings to the healthcare system and maintained quality compared to other healthcare settings. The most utilized service was evaluation and treatment for urinary tract infections.  


Expanding Access to Patient Care in Community Pharmacies for Minor Illnesses


University Research Finds Pharmacies Most Cost-Effective Options for Minor Ailments

Pharmacists Prove Effective, Less Costly Care Option for Minor Illnesses

Cost-Effective Impact of Community Pharmacists in Treating Minor Ailments

For Minor Health Issues, Pharmacist Care May be the Low-Cost Option

Evaluating Childhood Vaccine Access 

In Progress

Improving healthcare access in rural communities is important to improving health. This project is evaluating the access and uptake of childhood and adolescent COVID-19 vaccines in North Carolina pharmacies during the pandemic through both public health data, and qualitative interviews with pharmacists who have administered pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. This study aims to help inform strategies that advance future access in rural communities. 

Expanding HIV Screening and Prevention Access 

In Progress

HIV screening and prevention are highly effective, yet remain underutilized. This project is evaluating the impact of community pharmacies providing HIV screening and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prescribing in underserved and diverse areas of Southern California, in collaboration with a large regional health plan. Researchers will evaluate feasibility, patient acceptability, and patient retention rate.  

Expanding Hepatitis C and HIV Screening and Linkage to Care


Early detection and linkage to care for HIV and hepatitis C are important to improving health outcomes. This multi-state research initiative evaluated the impact of community pharmacy-based access to screening and linkage to care. A total of 612 patients were screened for HIV, identifying five reactive HIV tests. A total of 867 patients received Hepatitis C screenings, resulting in 181 reactive hepatitis C tests. Patients who received reactive screens were provided linkage to care for follow-up testing and evaluation. 


Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment in Community Pharmacies 


Early detection and treatment of latent tuberculosis (TB) is important to prevent progression to active TB. This study evaluated implementation of community pharmacy-based TB skin testing, and directly observed therapy for people diagnosed with latent TB. Uptake of the testing service was high and people reported favorable experiences, and people who utilized the directly observed therapy service had high rates of therapy completion. 



Chronic Diseases and Behavioral Health: Screening and Support

Enhancing Access to Nutrition Prescriptions

In Progress

Given the important connection between nutrition and health, this research is studying the impact of community pharmacies as key access points to nutritious foods. Participating pharmacies are conducting patient evaluations and initiating nutrition prescriptions with the goal of promoting healthier eating and improving overall health. The study will evaluate feasibility, nutrition security, key clinical measures, including A1c and blood pressure, and opportunities for sustainability with health plan partners.   

Evaluating Childhood Vaccine Access 

In Progress

Improving healthcare access in rural communities is important to improving health. This project is evaluating the access and uptake of childhood and adolescent COVID-19 vaccines in North Carolina pharmacies during the pandemic through both public health data, and qualitative interviews with pharmacists who have administered pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. This study aims to help inform strategies that advance future access in rural communities. 

Expanding HIV Screening and Prevention Access 

In Progress

HIV screening and prevention are highly effective, yet remain underutilized. This project is evaluating the impact of community pharmacies providing HIV screening and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prescribing in underserved and diverse areas of Southern California, in collaboration with a large regional health plan. Researchers will evaluate feasibility, patient acceptability, and patient retention rate.  

Expanding Hepatitis C and HIV Screening and Linkage to Care

In Progress

Early detection and linkage to care for HIV and hepatitis C are important to improving health outcomes. This multi-state research initiative evaluated the impact of community pharmacy-based access to screening and linkage to care. A total of 612 patients were screened for HIV, identifying five reactive HIV tests. A total of 867 patients received Hepatitis C screenings, resulting in 181 reactive hepatitis C tests. Patients who received reactive screens were provided linkage to care for follow-up testing and evaluation. 


Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment in Community Pharmacies 


Early detection and treatment of latent tuberculosis (TB) is important to prevent progression to active TB. This study evaluated implementation of community pharmacy-based TB skin testing, and directly observed therapy for people diagnosed with latent TB. Uptake of the testing service was high and people reported favorable experiences, and people who utilized the directly observed therapy service had high rates of therapy completion. 



Chronic Diseases and Behavioral Health: Screening and Support

Enhancing Access to Nutrition Prescriptions

In Progress

Given the important connection between nutrition and health, this research is studying the impact of community pharmacies as key access points to nutritious foods. Participating pharmacies are conducting patient evaluations and initiating nutrition prescriptions with the goal of promoting healthier eating and improving overall health. The study will evaluate feasibility, nutrition security, key clinical measures, including A1c and blood pressure, and opportunities for sustainability with health plan partners.   

Evaluating Childhood Vaccine Access 

In Progress

Improving healthcare access in rural communities is important to improving health. This project is evaluating the access and uptake of childhood and adolescent COVID-19 vaccines in North Carolina pharmacies during the pandemic through both public health data, and qualitative interviews with pharmacists who have administered pediatric COVID-19 vaccines. This study aims to help inform strategies that advance future access in rural communities. 

Expanding HIV Screening and Prevention Access 

In Progress

HIV screening and prevention are highly effective, yet remain underutilized. This project is evaluating the impact of community pharmacies providing HIV screening and Pre-Exposure Prophylaxis (PrEP) prescribing in underserved and diverse areas of Southern California, in collaboration with a large regional health plan. Researchers will evaluate feasibility, patient acceptability, and patient retention rate.  

Expanding Hepatitis C and HIV Screening and Linkage to Care

In Progress

Early detection and linkage to care for HIV and hepatitis C are important to improving health outcomes. This multi-state research initiative evaluated the impact of community pharmacy-based access to screening and linkage to care. A total of 612 patients were screened for HIV, identifying five reactive HIV tests. A total of 867 patients received Hepatitis C screenings, resulting in 181 reactive hepatitis C tests. Patients who received reactive screens were provided linkage to care for follow-up testing and evaluation. 


Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment in Community Pharmacies 


Early detection and treatment of latent tuberculosis (TB) is important to prevent progression to active TB. This study evaluated implementation of community pharmacy-based TB skin testing, and directly observed therapy for people diagnosed with latent TB. Uptake of the testing service was high and people reported favorable experiences, and people who utilized the directly observed therapy service had high rates of therapy completion. 



Ongoing Projects

While some progress has been made in healthcare to address medication management through patient care pharmacy services, gaps exist in the current care delivery system to realize the potential of optimizing medications to improve public and population health. In collaboration with UNC Chapel Hill researchers, community pharmacies across the U.S. will be enrolled to deliver one of four patient care services, of which were selected based on a data-driven process that prioritized gaps in population health coupled with solutions feasible to implement within the community pharmacy setting.

NACDS Foundation Collaborates with UNC Chapel Hill Researchers to Advance Innovative Care Models for Patients at Community Pharmacies

Project Lifeline aims to improve public health through the implementation of SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment), an evidence-based process that involves screening individuals for opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use disorder (SUD) to determine the provision of appropriate intervention or linkage to care. This project extension in Allegheny County builds off the success of the initial Foundation Project Lifeline research in Blair County, which focused on the feasibility of implementing SBIRT in community pharmacies, while Allegheny County focuses on the sustainability of the model.

NACDS Foundation’s Commitment to Innovation in Exploring New Care Models Showcased in New Video

Comprehensive Medication Management (CMM) is a patient care approach to develop individualized medication care plans in collaboration with the patient and the healthcare team to help ensure optimal medication use and outcomes, while reducing avoidable public health and societal costs. This study aims to further analyze CMM, evaluating opportunities for sustainability and impact on patient outcomes, with the goal of allowing more patients to have access to enhanced, individualized, evidence-based care, with the additional goal of improving their medication use and ultimately, their health.

Community pharmacists’ perceptions of acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of a value-based care model for comprehensive medication management

Deborah L Pestka, PharmD, PhD; Morgan K Stoa, PharmD; Todd D Sorensen, PharmD, FCCP; and Carrie M Blanchard, PharmD, MPH

Journal of Managed Care & Specialty Pharmacy

NACDS Foundation Collaborates in Major Effort to Advance Medication Management

Pharmacogenomics (PGx), and personalized medicine, are rapidly growing areas of interest in medicine and new connections are made every day as to how genes play a role in drug therapy. Many medications are directly influenced by an individual’s genes and effectiveness can vary between patients depending on their genes. PGx testing can have a significant impact on the efficacy of a patient’s medication treatment, but this patient care service is not widely available in the community setting. This project aims to address this issue by: (1) educating pharmacists and other healthcare providers on PGx and personalized medicine so they are prepared to provide this care for their patients, and (2) expanding access to PGx testing for patients.

Expanding Pharmacist and Student Pharmacist Access to Genetics/Genomics/Pharmacogenomics Competency Education

NACDS Foundation Announces Research Grant to Study Impact of Pharmacogenomics on Pharmacy Patient Care

NACDS Foundation grant sponsors study on how pharmacogenomics can impact outcomes

Pharmacogenomics pilot gains backing from NACDS

Substance use disorder (SUD) in pregnant women continues to be a significant public health concern as this disease not only affects maternal health, but also the neonate’s health outcomes. Research suggests that using pharmacogenomics to personalize SUD treatment for an individual patient may lead to improved outcomes for both mother and baby. This study aims to expand on this existing research by analyzing: (1) the impact that a mother’s genes may have on dosing requirements for buprenorphine, a common treatment option, and (2) how the mother’s and/or neonate’s genetic composition may influence the baby’s outcomes, including severity of neonatal abstinence syndrome (NAS). Insights from this research may help with the development of a personalized medicine approach to SUD treatment for pregnant women and babies and predict if certain babies will require more intensive treatment for NAS.

Completed Projects

Often, patients turn to accessible health care options – urgent care centers, emergency rooms, physicians’ offices, and pharmacies – as the first line of defense for minor ailments, such as an allergic reactions or abrasions. The goal of this project is to apply a physician-pharmacist collaborative practice model to evaluate quality of care, access to treatment and costs for treating patients for a narrow set of minor ailments in community pharmacies as compared to other healthcare settings.
Project Lifeline aims to improve public health through the implementation of SBIRT (Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment), an evidence-based process that involves screening individuals for opioid use disorder (OUD) and substance use disorder (SUD) to determine the provision of appropriate intervention or linkage to care. This project extension in Allegheny County builds off the success of the initial Foundation Project Lifeline research in Blair County, which focused on the feasibility of implementing SBIRT in community pharmacies, while Allegheny County focuses on the sustainability of the model.

NACDS Foundation’s Commitment to Innovation in Exploring New Care Models Showcased in New Video

Tuberculosis testing and latent tuberculosis infections (LTBI) treatments are important public health services and have been the cornerstone of TB prevention in the United States. The goal of this research project is two-fold: (1) to survey patients and understand their perception of receiving TB testing in a community-based environment and (2) to evaluate patient outcomes and access to care when TB testing and treatment are provided in a community pharmacy setting. The study will also explore models to increase follow-up treatment in an effort to limit transmission.

Addressing Latent Tuberculosis Infection Treatment Through a Collaborative Care Model with Community Pharmacies and a Health Department

Bernadette Jakeman, PharmD; Stefanie J. Logothetis, PharmD; Melissa H. Roberts, PhD; Amy Bachyrycz, PharmD; Diana Fortune, BSN; Matthew E. Borrego, PhD; Julianna Ferreira, MSN, MPH; Marcos Burgos, MD

Patient perceptions of a tuberculosis testing program provided in the community pharmacy setting

B.Jakeman, S.J.Logothetis, M.Saba, D.Anderson, J.M.Acosta, M.E.Borrego, M.H.Roberts, A.Bachyrycz, D.Fortune, M.Burgos

A Collaborative Approach to Treatment Strategies for Latent Tuberculosis Infection

Amos Lal, MBBS, MD; Ajay Kumar Mishra, MBBS, MD; Kamal Kant Sahu, MBBS, MD

NACDS Foundation Launches Accessible Tuberculosis Treatment and Prevention Study in New Mexico

Mayo Clinic Physicians Praise NACDS Foundation Research Project

Millions of adults in the United States are living with diabetes, and more are diagnosed every year. With a diagnosis comes an increased risk for other medical conditions and complications, including cardiovascular disease, stroke, and heart attack. To decrease this risk, long-standing research and national guidelines support the addition of statin therapy for most patients with diabetes. Despite these research-based national recommendations, significant numbers of patients still do not receive this important drug therapy. This project aims to close this care gap by utilizing community pharmacists to address patient needs and overall population health. Through a collaborative agreement, developed with a partnering physician, indicated patients receive community pharmacist-initiated and monitored statin therapy; thus, addressing the gap in statin care.

Strategies to facilitate the implementation of collaborative practice agreements in chain community pharmacies

Jennifer L. Bacci, Kim C. Coley, Kyle McGrath, Olufunmilola Abraham, Alex J. Adams, Melissa Somma McGivney

Public health authorities continue to stress that early detection among high-risk groups is an essential component of disease management and improved patient outcomes in HIV (human immunodeficiency virus) and hepatitis C. This multi-state initiative evaluates the impact of providing community access to screening for at-risk patients. For patients with reactive tests, immediate linkage to care occurs through collaboration with local public health entities.  The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) is providing public health expertise and insight into study design and implementation.

NACDS Foundation Supports Increased HIV Testing Awareness

NACDS Foundation Assisting National Hepatitis Testing Push