Published On: December 12th, 2019

Excellence in Patient Care Award recognizes heroes in opioid-abuse prevention and treatment

NACDS Foundation Dinner Photo

NACDS Foundation President Kathleen Jaeger, at left, and NACDS President and CEO and NACDS Foundation Chairman Steven C. Anderson, IOM, CAE, at right, presented the NACDS Foundation’s Excellence in Patient Care Award to Judy Rosser, executive director of Blair Drug and Alcohol Partnerships and Janice L. Pringle, Ph.D., founder and director of the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU).

Supporters and attendees of the 21st National Association of Chain Drug Stores (NACDS) Foundation Annual Dinner raised nearly $1.9 million to advance the Foundation’s evidence-based research, educational programs and philanthropic initiatives. The event was held December 4, 2019, in New York City.

As announced previously, the evening featured the highly anticipated presentation of the NACDS Foundation’s Excellence in Patient Care Award to two heroes in the important work of preventing and treating opioid abuse in Blair County, Pennsylvania: Janice L. Pringle, Ph.D., founder and director of the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy Program Evaluation and Research Unit (PERU), and to Judy Rosser, executive director of Blair Drug and Alcohol Partnerships.

Pringle and Rosser have demonstrated tremendous leadership and partnership in Blair County, Pennsylvania, on Project Lifeline – a community partnership and research program initiated by the NACDS Foundation to address substance use disorder. The program is set for expansion, and the ultimate goal is for it to be scaled to assist communities and individuals throughout the nation.

In presenting the award at the Dinner, NACDS Foundation President Kathleen Jaeger said, “The success of this project would be impossible without the everyday heroes integrated into the communities they serve. So, it’s my distinct honor, to recognize two incredibly deserving community champions, Ms. Judy Rosser, and Dr. Janice Pringle. They exemplify ‘unsung’ heroes. They’ve been on the front lines of patient care for decades, doing amazing work, changing the lives of others. With incredible passion and dedication, they turn ideas into positive community action.”

More information about the NACDS Foundation is available on its website.

The photo is available for use by the media.