Below are radio examples from the collaborative awareness campaign.
The NACDS Foundation and March of Dimes conducted a national radio tour to help foster COVID-19 vaccine confidence and ensure that communities and individuals are armed with knowledge of COVID-19 vaccines.
March of Dimes’ Chief Medical & Health Officer, Rahul Gupta, MD, MPH, MBA, FACP, served as the key spokesperson throughout the radio tour, discussing the vaccines’ safety and efficacy and the importance of getting vaccinated.
Talking Biotech Podcast Gainesville, FL/National (March 16)
Conversations with Ken Podcast National/iHeart Radio Network (March 24)
Culture Chat Podcast Florida/National (March 26)
KURV-AM Rio Grande Valley, TX (March 26)
WCCI-AM/FM Quad Cities, IL/IA (April 8)
WCSM-AM Dayton, OH (April 8)
Conversations with Ken Podcast National/iHeart Radio Network (April 8)